Playing Board Products


Adventure Roster

25pp Pad.

Published in 1979 by Playing Board Products, Albany, California.


DM's aid for compiling a list of all key character statistics for an adventuring party. Commonly known as a Trip Ticket.



Basic Character File

25pp Pad.

Published in 1979 by Playing Board Products, Albany, California.


Player character sheets like those produced by many companies in the early 80's.



Secondary Character File

25pp Pad.

Published in 1979 by Playing Board Products, Albany, California.


DM's aid for recording non-player character statistict, description and history.



Monster Roster

25pp Pad.

Published in 1979 by Playing Board Products, Albany, California.


DM's aid for recording monsters that he'd designed, their statistics, attack matrix, etc. No room is provided for a description, behaviour or habitat notes.




The Adventurers' Cauldron by Cliff Perotti and Jeff Suess.

64pp Pocket size book with card cover.

Published in 1979 by Playing Board Products, Albany, California.





The Spellcaster's Bible by Paul Collins, Cliff Perotti and Jeff Suess.

68pp Digest-size book with card cover.

Published in 1979 by Playing Board Products, Albany, California.






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